
  Exploitation and treachery are simply tools of the trade. But remember, I don't make deals that don't pay off... So, I hope you don't disappoint me. 


TricksterMoon | 24 | He/Him | PST


Hey there~!
I'm Trickster Moon!
I've Roleplayed for a while on other platforms and now I'm here on FFXIV! I also have lots of experience with ttrpgs as well as DMing.
I enjoy all sorts of RP ranging from just laid back and casual to more serious plots spanning over time and with literate-level writing. This includes any RP genre.I prefer long-term RP with an emphasis on character development. Please bring something to the RP. It's rough when it's only one person planning out the entire story.
You can also reach me through Discord at trickstermoon
Looking forward to meeting ya!

 rule 001. 

I am not my character! Let's keep IC and OOC separate. To make things easier, just call me Jared OOC. That's not to say that I'm opposed to being friends. Shoot a DM my way!

 rule 002. 

I will only roleplay with 21+ partners.

 rule 003. 

I don't write with people that have extremely OP characters.


I work full-time while also being a college student. On top of that, I have some other irl things I do in my off time. That being said, I like to schedule things and work with others' free time. I'm also a heavy night owl so I'll be on until very late hours.

personality Don't let his carefree personality fool you. Seyu'a is an expert in deceit and social interactions. He loves to talk and get to know people. This makes it much easier when he is disguised as others. His laidback philanthropist persona works as a mask to hide his espionage missions. It is very possible that Seyu'a isn't even his real identity. He also possesses a cunning ability to outsmart his enemies and make plans for any situation. Seyu'a values not only useful information but also, useful connections.He will get any mission done no matter the cost because, to him, the ends justify the means. What is he thinking behind that constant smile?


 Seyu'a Yhiinsali 

Peaople already lie to themselves all the time, so what harm could my little lies do~?

  •  name   Seyu'a Yhinsali

  •  alias   Moonlight (Known only by a few)

  •  age   24.

  •  pronouns   he/him

  •  species   Miqo'te (Keeper)

  •  nameday   4th Sun of the Third Astral Moon

  •  origin   Koshu

  •  location   Anywhere there's intel

  •  class(es)   monk/ninja/samurai

  •  occupation   Yakuza Spy/Assassin/Info Broker

  •  yakuza family   Nisshoku-Gumi

  •  position   Lieutenant of Umi-No-Tuski's Shadow Division

  •  height   5 fulms 8 ilms

  •  weight   180 pons

  •  Strength   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  dexterity   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  constitution   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  intelligence   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  wisdom   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

  •  charisma   ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤

 Voice Claim 

(Slightly outdated)


  •  Great agility and blinding speed 

  •  strategic thinking 

  •  stealth/subterfuge/intel gathering 

  •  charisma 

  •  deception and disguise 

  •  adaptability 

  •  technological proficiency 


  •  emotional detachment 

  •  overconfidence 

  •  mistrusting 

  •  reputation as a deceptive person 

  •  cannot use magic 

  •  body can't self-heal injuries 

  •  mischievous 

  •  workaholic 


  •  manipulative 

  •  hubris 

  •  impatient 

  •  high risk-taker 

  •  no self control on spending money 

  •  drinks a lot 


Alright, let's do this one last time...My name is Seyu'a Yhinsali and for the past few years, I've been the one and only Agent Moonlight.
My story begins a long time ago, in Koshu, where I was raised by a clan of assassins who operated in the shadows known only to a few as the Kiyoshi. They trained me in the art of silent elimination. During my time there, I formed a close bond with an Au'ra named Rasho Kiba. We trained together every day, inseparable as we grew up.
Years later, our clan found itself in a brutal war with our rivals. Just when things seemed dire, Rasho unleashed a forbidden technique, turning the tide but losing his left eye in the process. It was a devastating power that took out both enemies and allies. Even I was caught in it, my Aether feeling like it got ripped right out of me. When the clan elders caught wind of this, they condemned Rasho to be executed. That same night before his execution, I helped him escape. That was the last time I saw him. Come morning, he was nowhere to be found. The Elders weren't pleased with this so they gave me a mission: I was to find and execute Rasho myself.Later that day, I found myself boarding a ship that was headed for Limsa Lomimsa. Despite Rasho's best efforts, it was hard not to leave a trail behind when the Kiyoshi were involved. They tracked him down to this port but what I didn't know was that this was a boat ride I was never supposed to come back from.Long story short, the crew all left the boat in the middle of the night while I was asleep. The next day, a giant sea creature attacked the ship. I put up a good fight but the creature had home advantage in the sea. After what felt like a battle that lasted hours, I woke up along the shores of Western La Noscea, injured and confused. Despite all that happened, I saw this as a perfect opportunity.I figured that with this new chance, I would need to hide my true identity so ██████ ████████ became Seyu'a Yhinsali. Within a few weeks, I was already gathering notoriety as a blade for hire. Not a single failed job and yet, something was still missing. I needed to find Rasho. My investigations lead to meeting a Viera named Shylva. She was a combat expert and the one who helped me unlock my true power. It was during one of our missions, we found ourselves in a sticky situation with no way out. Something inside me ignited, granting us the miracle we needed at that movement. Turns out that when Rasho used that ability, my Aether was altered. I trained and mastered these abilities until a particular organization took notice of me.I was recruited by ██████ and became a top agent, gathering intelligence from █████. However, it didn't feel like a good fit for me so I left and used my underground connections to join the Yakuza where I could put my "unique" abilities to better use.
Now, I continue to gather intelligence and infiltrate many places where I'm not supposed to be. I hide in plain sight. I carefully study my targets until they're vulnerable. If you think your secrets are safe, think again...
My eyes and ears are everywhere.


Aether comes in three forms: memories and souls which are interconnected, corporeal aether like the aetherytes, and forms of nourishment that are in constant flux.Seyu'a has gained great control over Aether itself, giving him a subset of very useful combat and recon abilities. Because of this, his body stores more and consumes less Aether than others.

 aetheric transfiguration 

One man, many faces. What makes Seyu'a excel as a top spy is his ability to recreate someone's entire look. He reshapes his aether/soul which in turn reshapes the body. This is, of course, limited to only physical appearance so he must devise a plan on how to acquire the right clothing. Not only can he copy the looks, but through his careful examination and studying of his targets, he's able to recreate voices and mannerisms down to the very last little detail.

To see the truth, reach out and touch the Moon at the start of your journey.

 aether flow 

Seyu'a can consciously move around the flow of Aether throughout his body, empowering specific parts of it. Different stances are used to redirect the Aether, each one with unique uses.

 aether flash flood 

Ever seen what happens when a balloon is filled with too much air? The same can happen to a vessel that stores too much Aether. At the cost of rapidly draining his own Aether, Seyu'a can transfer large quantities of Aether unto another living being. Once that being's Aether levels become too much for their physical body to handle, they will proceed to explode, much like the balloon example. The moments right before the explosion are very painful so this serves as a great torture method for getting information.


Every person is like a chip, each with their own value. This is an important lesson to know when you have skin in the game, using any tool as a piece to gain an advantage.To Seyu'a however, certain people have become more than just valauble. Even though Seyu'a can befriend anyone and charm them into a sense of trust when it benefits him or his mission, something more happened with the following people. He's become very fond of these individuals despite his attempts only to truly connect with others when beneficial.

 Ejya Thatcher 


Seyu'a met Ejya some time ago when she joined Shoku and ever since then, she's become someone who he fully trusts. Seyu'a knows that no matter how dangerous a mission is, he can count on Ejya keep him covered from her vantage point. From their expert work within the shadows in Umi to those moments when Seyu loves to mess with her like a little brother, he knows they have each other's backs.

 Cassidy Ironclaw 


Not only is he a Wakagashira of Shoku, he's a friend that Seyu really appreciates having. Their similar deadpan joke deliveries always match really well together. Beware, a spy and a blademaster make for an all-round deadly combo! You may even catch a glimpse of Cass returning Seyu's finger guns back at him. Oh and of course, can't forget the way Seyu likes to go over-the-top whenever Cass asks for a water during the Yozakura Palace.

 Rioan Sk'adi 


RinRin, as he calls her, is his other older sister from his new found family in Shoku. She's one of those people that no matter how much he tries to distance himself, she'll be there to drag him back and remind him that he can depend on others and open himself more. As a Xaela and a Keeper, they both share an appreciation for the cold eembrace of the night. It's also thanks to her that he can call himself Uncle Seyu.

 Vianna Valentine 

"Tea Sensei"

What started as a business relationship evolved into a great friendship as the two interacted more. Not only is she his personal tailor for the most important missions, but she's also one of his most trusted allies. He really enjoys how their conversations can go from friendly banter to a chess match of words when tiptoeing around each other's secrets and mysteries. Seyu hopes to one day reach her level of tea-making skills.

 Okami Shiemihaza 


Seyu'a met Okami during a Yozakura Palace opening night. After finding a common interest in making the most profitable moves, the two bonded while becoming friends and business partners as Seyu'a showed him the ways of the underworld. Now the two are on the lookout for the next business venture.

 Beric Walker 


Another connection made thanks to Shoku. Even though Seyu'a really enjoys messing with him, finding his reactions to be quite humorous, he knows that Beric is a very dependable individual. Beric has already helped with previous missions Seyu'a has been involved in so he knows and appreciates how they can count on him.

 Rasho Kiba 


Not his brother by blood but when he was just a young kid in the Kiyoshi Clan, Rasho would always be there for him. Seyu'a hasn't seen him since the day they both left the clan after they attempted to execute Rasho but he knows that he's out there somewhere and he'll do whatever he needs to find him.


"My faves~"

Seyu'a never expected that after the Clan, he'd eventually end up becoming an International Super Spy™. Nor that this would eventually lead to him joining the Nisshoku-Gumi where he found his new family. Ejya promoted him to second lieutenant of the Umi pillar - shadow division, where he plans to do all he can and more along with Cidre to help her goal of making Umi the stronges branch.


 The Suit 

This suit was a special commission made by Vianna Valentine. A single breasted suit jacket made from a sturdy wool sourced from the Steppe and is fully canvased and lined with mythril silk. The kuzdu canvas was lightly starched with processed powdered sophroa roots that have been alchemically enhanced to activate the latent earth aether to minimize blunt force when impacts are received. All seams are flat felled to ensure sturdiness and are long-lasting with high wear. Seams in high movement areas are reinforced with horse hair to maintain the suit’s silhouette shape and add additional support. Design details include long sleeves, notched collar, two button front closure, chest welt pocket, deep front flap pockets, hidden compartments in the lining, two back vents for maximum freedom of movement, four button closure at the wrist, and two velvet stripes on sleeve for aesthetics.Formal pants crafted from the same wool mentioned above with a tapered fit with similar velvet stripes, deep pockets, and lined with a blend of mythril and diremite silk for breathability.An assortment of formal mythril silk and or mythril diremite silk dress shirts with notched collar and front button closures. The mythril thread is woven and processed into a matte linen-like finish fabric that is able to with stand multiple gunshot impacts with no issues to the weaves durability or appearance. An additional option of shirt is made from a mixture of mythril and diremiteite silk thread to weave a fabric that is more akin to true silk, more breathable and suited for hot weather with no issues to durability despite it being a blend.A black oxford lace-up pair of dress shoes with specific schematics given were commissioned as instructed from client. Made from brushed giant mammoth leather hunted from the Steppes. Also tested to be able to withstand blunt force from gunshots. Details include a full mammoth leather sole with an additional rubber half sole to reduce wear and increase traction.A black mammoth leather belt to maintain matching aesthetics with the suit.Two diremite silk ties, both black.

 Kuro & Aka 

A set of gun and knife crafted by Koharu Ittetsu as a special commission from Seyu'a.Kuro, the gun: A large Desert Eagle-style pistol with intricate details including a hex grip inlaid with threaded gold and cobalt strips along the barrel. The gun features gold-coated magazine interiors and is designed to channel aether for bullet acceleration and charging.Aka, the dagger: Made through a process called knapping from volcanic glass, this knife is extremely sharp but fragile, perfect for slicing some throats before they even know what hit them.


Though they may look like regular casino chips, each color has their own properties and uses thanks to Allag tech. They can all be activated by pressing the small button at he center.Black: Once activated, it functions as a microphone that transmits directly to Seyu'a. The back can stick to any surface.
Red: To activate these ones, the button must be held for at least 3 seconds. Any additional time will add be added to the countdown before their detonation.
Blue: Can be placed on any surface. Once activated, it uses a laser sight as a tripwire. It can either send a signal to Seyu'a once triggered or activate something else.
Green: After activation, a small extension pops out which can then be plugged into any terminal. Used for hacking into any system.

 stacked deck 

As a man that enjoys gambles, Seyu'a always has a car up his sleeve. This time, quite literally. Each card is laced with a different substance along the edges depending on the suit. With great precision, he throws these to gain the upper hand.♣ - Puts the victim to sleep.
♦ - Paralyzes the victim.
♥ - Stops the victim's heart after a few minutes.
♠ - Applies one of the deadliest and fastest acting poisons.

 Seyu's Shades 

To everyone, these appear to be regular sunglasses that Seyu'a loves to wear all the time. In reality, they are another tool made from state of the art Allag tech. They provide Seyu'a with an interface that gives him information on any person he looks at. They're connected to a database holding thousands of records and other information, most of which has been intel that he's gathered himself.They also have a security measure, using optical biometrics to only display all data when Seyu'a is wearing them. If anyone else were to use them, all data would be hidden.

 hook 1 

Underground Connections: As a part of an organized crime group from the East, Seyu'a knows his way around many places even those where he shouldn't be. Perhaps you could get a hold of him through one of his many underground contacts.

 hook 2 

Criminal Funding: Gil is never a problem for this troublemaker. Thanks to all his very profitable crime ventures, he can fund anything that catches his attention. Don't be fooled, his expertise in the criminal business world lets him know exactly what's worth his time and money. Add to that the fact that he's a big fan of gambling away.

 hook 3 

Bound by Contract: Did you happen to find out about the espionage skills of a certain someone? Perhaps you need intel or someone to be taken out quickly. Whatever the case may be, Seyu'a is always willing to form new contracts should they prove useful or profitable.

 hook 4 

Nine Lives: Risky adventures with high chances of dying are his specialty so those are always welcome. Even more so when there's a big juicy reward at the end.